Bays Crowd

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Bays Crowd

Prepare with insights. Protect with precision. See crowd incidents before they happen.

When it comes to security, preparation is everything. Risk mitigation and planning teams responsible for safety require tools such as Bays Crowd to deliver end-to-end assessments, reporting and operational mitigation planning. Response techniques rely on intelligence and preparation. Everyone involved in crowd safety needs to understand both crowd movement across planned scenarios – from fights to armed attacks.

Go beyond CCTV and post incident reports

Detect threats including fights, predatory behaviour, and armed attacks. With every crowd, identify and respond to threats faster.

Bays Crowd is based on behavioural science, crowd dynamics, and psychology. Built on science and powered by Maths. Not Magic. Bays Crowd delivers insights to unify your entire operations and crowd management stakeholders. Access dynamic simulations and tailored reports to optimise security deployment and deliver 360-degree crowd safety.

Adoption of Bays Crowd for best practices:

  1. Define the threat: From fights and trips through to armed attack, define the threat within your area of responsibility. Customise and update maps to show the real-world physical security elements, from barriers to street furniture or even ballistic protection.
  2. Define your crowd: Your crowd is unique. So, whether from ticket sales or expected attendees, include details on key factors of the crowd’s demographics, including family and friendship groups.
  3. Visualise all the outcomes: See the best to worst outcomes for injuries and fatalities. Know what could happen – even those outcomes no one has thought of.
  4. Access actionable insights: Dynamic simulations and tailored reports ready for use by your team to optimise security deployment and deliver 360-degree crowd safety.
  5. Enhance your security planning: Get ready and prepare for the next level of risk planning with the detail brought by the science of how your crowd moves. Use the power of continuous predictive analysis to visualise the impact of any changes to the crowd, venue, safety features or threat type on potential injuries and fatalities.

Bays Crowd is more than just a planning tool – it’s your strategic partner, dedicated to improving your security strategy and your overall success. With Bays Crowd, you not only address today’s challenges; but stay ahead of tomorrow’s. Don’t just react; respond effectively to take your security planning to the next level – plan for the worst and keep your crowd safe.

By integrating Bays Crowd with your client and operational team, you can:

  • See the risk, plan the response, protect with precision.
  • Optimise all available resources from planning to boots on the ground.
  • Plan evac & invac and mature your process.

Discover how Bays Crowd can help you enhance safety, optimise resources, and refine your emergency response plans.
Book a demo today.

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