A Week with Bays Consulting

Having completed my A-Levels, pursuing work experience in a relevant field seemed like the most natural progression before starting university in September. When I discovered a potential opportunity at Bays and learned that they primarily used Python as their main language for coding, I was immediately eager to apply. As I have been learning python for four years, I was interested to see how it can be used to solve a real world issue.

Despite Bays being a small company, the week I spent with them proved to be incredibly rewarding. I had the chance to contribute to their Home Hazard project by identifying new data sources for improving prediction accuracy. I was also given the task of using the Pandas library to transform a data source from a JSON file into a usable dataframe. Although it posed a challenge as I was still learning pandas, the small daily breakthroughs I experienced were very gratifying. One particular aspect of Bays that I thoroughly enjoyed was the Daily Check-ins, where I could share what I have achieved with everyone in the company. It made me excited to take on a new challenge and see what I could accomplish each day.

The overall atmosphere and company culture at Bays created a truly rewarding and enriching environment for a work experience student like myself. From the very beginning, I was greeted with friendliness, and everyone I encountered was more than willing to explain their roles within the company and share other aspects from their own journeys. The support and help I received from every team member, regardless of their official job title, was genuinely pleasant. Given the opportunity, I would love to work for Bays again, and would encourage others to do the same if presented with it.

By Lauren Field
Categorized as blog

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