Bays Consulting Celebrates Multiple Nominations at the Women in Tech Excellence Awards

Bays Consulting is delighted to celebrate several nominations at the Women in Tech Excellence Awards:

Holly Jones, our talented Data Scientist, has been nominated for the ‘Rising Star of the Year’ award. Holly’s exceptional skills and dedication have made her a standout member of our team. Congratulations, Holly, on this well-deserved nomination!

Bays Consulting has been nominated for ‘Diversity Company of the Year.’ This nomination reflects our company value and our commitment to fostering an inclusive and diverse workplace where innovation thrives.

Dr Sophie Carr, our founder, has been nominated for ‘Founder/Entrepreneur of the Year.’ This award recognises tech founders who demonstrate innovation, strategic ambition, and a positive social impact. Sophie’s nomination highlights her role as a visionary leader who has significantly contributed to the tech industry.

“These nominations and awards are a testament to the hard work and dedication of our entire team,” said Dr. Sophie Carr, founder of Bays Consulting. “We are incredibly proud of Holly and the recognition we’ve received as a company committed to diversity, inclusion and innovation. These achievements inspire us to continue pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in data analytics and technology.”

About Bays Consulting:

Bays Consulting is a leading data science and analytics company dedicated to making complex mathematical concepts accessible and impactful. Our innovative solutions, including the revolutionary safety planning tool Bays Crowd, use maths, not magic to enhance crowd safety and drive positive change. We are committed to excellence, diversity, and fostering an inclusive workplace where everyone can thrive.

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