Working from home certainly has its perks. The commute to work being just a few paces from my bed is indeed a luxury. Nonetheless, it can be hard to adjust to working at home if you are used to working in an office. Perhaps you have less space, or there are more distractions at home. Working for Bays for the last three years, I have come across some important tips to bear in mind when working from home. Perhaps these could help you too if you find yourself struggling to adjust…
- Keep in touch. We may no longer be in the same room as our colleagues but staying connected is still important. At Bays, we use Slack to keep in touch on a daily basis and also and have regular catchups on Microsoft Teams or Skype.
- Don’t underestimate the power of a scented candle. Creating a workspace that you feel happy in is really important for your general wellness and productivity when working from home. Even if you are working at your dining room table perhaps there is something cheerful you can add to the table, or some cushions you can put on your chair to make it more comfortable. As I say above, never underestimate the power of a scented candle. (well it helps me concentrate and stay relaxed when the pressure is on…100% recommend it)
- Make a schedule. Having a routine when working from home is so beneficial. Make a schedule and don’t overwork yourself. Allow breaks during the day and give your eyes a much-needed break from the screen.
- EXERCISE! Exercise has more than just physical benefits. When you exercise, endorphins are released and this in turn can benefit your mental wellness. Often when I am stuck on a piece of work, I am tempted to power through and get it done. However, getting out for a walk or a run is refreshing and helps me come back to work with a clear mind. In the long run, this is far more productive than simply powering through.
By Abbie Jenkins