Artificial Intelligence and Art: Pushing the Boundaries or Undermining Human Creativity?

Artificial intelligence is currently one of the hottest topics in the world of technology. With the advancements in AI, machines are now capable of generating images and writing text that is almost indistinguishable from that created by humans. Some of the recent examples of AI-generated art include Midjourney and DALL-E. Additionally, language models like ChatGPT… Continue reading Artificial Intelligence and Art: Pushing the Boundaries or Undermining Human Creativity?

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Reflections on Women’s History Month: Celebrating Achievements and Addressing Ongoing Challenges 

It’s Women’s History Month, a celebration that evokes a wide range of emotions across social media channels, from those how revel in the opportunity to raise up and celebrate the contributions of women, to those who feel that the month reinforces the notion that women do not play a full part in society.  I find… Continue reading Reflections on Women’s History Month: Celebrating Achievements and Addressing Ongoing Challenges 

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Small is beautiful

Across the UK, small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) account for three fifths of the employment and around half of turnover in the UK private sector. Simply put the UK is a nation of small business holders, many of which are key sources of innovation and new technologies. Over the years, a lot of work has… Continue reading Small is beautiful

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Theo Paphitis SBS event 2023, are you ready?

As a small business, it’s always great to get to connect with other small businesses and share our experience. And that’s exactly what we did – attending Theo Paphitis #SBS events! And it was an incredible experience to say the least! As a #SBS winner from 2018, our founder, Sophie, was given an opportunity as… Continue reading Theo Paphitis SBS event 2023, are you ready?

Five tips to make your visualisation more effective

Overview As we have seen in my previous blog, visualisations are powerful tool in the business world, but they must be used with care as this can lead to misinterpretation of the results being visualised. In this blog, I will give you five tips that will improve your visualisations and make them more effective to the… Continue reading Five tips to make your visualisation more effective

Bays’ mission, vision and values

One of the huge perks of owning a business is working with the team to define the company mission, vision and values.  We did this last year, but recently we realized they were no longer fit for purpose – that’s not to say that we’d fundamentally changed what the company does, but how we explain… Continue reading Bays’ mission, vision and values

An Introduction to Machine Learning

The growing demand for machine learning (ML) in recent years has led to an increased need for high-quality resources. ML can add great value to companies, and many sectors are now implementing it to solve complex business problems. They are able to generate actionable insights, assisting with their decision-making, helping them stay ahead of the… Continue reading An Introduction to Machine Learning

A predictive modelling tool to help you spot homes with hazards in your area

Cold, damp and other home hazards have been in the news recently, following the tragic death of two-year-old Awaab Ishak in 2020. Michael Gove has asked every local authority to present information on the condition of their housing stock, and what they are doing to tackle poor conditions. But, without visiting a home or installing… Continue reading A predictive modelling tool to help you spot homes with hazards in your area


It’s your turn to write the blog this week.  Doesn’t need to be long; a thousand words, no more than that.  And it can be about anything you like. What could be easier? Well, lots of things it turns out. One of the things that makes writing about anything you like difficult, is the fact… Continue reading Atelodemiourgiopapyro-phobia

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