How Bayesian Belief Networks can help you reason, predict and explain.

This week Bays Consulting will be presenting a workshop at the Young to OR conference on: The Power of nodes and arcs: How Bayesian Belief Networks can help you reason, predict and explain. Whilst you may have heard of Bayes Theorem, have you ever built a Bayesian Network? If not, the workshop offers a practical… Continue reading How Bayesian Belief Networks can help you reason, predict and explain.

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My life with Bayes Theorem.

I’ve written, deleted, altered and tinkered with this blog more than any other. That’s probably because this is the one blog I’ve put off writing for as long as I can remember – it’s the blog that I thought would always be my first, but never finished. It’s not taken me ages to write this… Continue reading My life with Bayes Theorem.

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How can we improve our programme by analysing the experience of our participants?